Compute cell type specific gene expression based on predicted cell proportions and reference data.

celltype_expression(bulk, ref, phenodata, prop, ...)



a matrix-like object of bulk RNA-seq data with rows representing genes, columns representing samples


a matrix-like object of scRNA-seq data with rows representing genes, columns representing cells.


a data.frame with rows representing cells, columns representing cell attributes. It should at least contain the first two columns as:

  1. cell barcodes

  2. cell types


a matrix-like object of cell proportion values with rows representing cell types, columns representing samples.


additional parameters passed to create.RCTD from spacexr.


a list with length equal to number of unique cell types in phenodata. Each element in the list represents gene expression matrix for each unique cell type.


this function is inspired by cell-type specific gene expression estimation for doublet mode in spacexr. See examples from run_de.