Research highlights

Spatial transcriptomics and single cell analysis (2020-present)

Spatial transcriptomics enables the discovery of spatial organization of cell types, cell states, and biomarkers. I am involved in multiple research projects examining spatial patterns of gene expression based on 10x’s Visium technology.

Typical bioinformatics analyses performed include:

I am co-I with Drs. Arthur Beyder & Gianrico Farrugia on a federal grant investigating Mechanotransduction in Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells using spatial transcriptomics technology (R01 DK 52766)

Benign breast disease (2018-present)

Benign breast disease (BBD), which includes non-proliferative, proliferative and proliferative lesions with atypia, is viewed as a nonobligate precursor stage in the development of breast cancer, and is associated with an increased risk of invasive BC, particularly in those with proliferative or atypical lesions. I am part of Mayo Clinic’s BBD analytical team. Below are some projects that I am involved in.

CNV/SV detection and prioritization (2019-present)

Many methods/callers have been developed to detect CNV/SVs, but there is a lack of strategy in combining results from multiple callers. We are working on developing a common data format in harmonizing and combining results from multiple callers, followed by filtering based on variant attributes (Supporting reads & Genomics mappability, etc.).

Xenografts RNA-seq data analysis (2018-present)

As patient derived xenograft (PDX) models are increasingly used for preclinical drug development, strategies to account for the nonhuman component of PDX RNA expression data are critical to its interpretation. I have developed and evaluated a bioinformatics pipeline to separate donor tumor and mouse stroma transcriptome profiles using PDX samples from ovarian cancer.

Differential analysis (2013-2017)

For a list of all my publications & abstracts, you can view my google scholar profile here